Thursday, 9 August 2012

Easy-Peasy Peg Bag!

I have been fairly lax with the blogging recently even though I have a couple of exciting projects in the planning stages. I am in the process of knitting a cardigan although I'll admit I'm only around 10 inches into that, so a long way to go yet! However it has gone on the back-burner a bit because of a few more exciting projects on the horizon - more posts on all of that later!

Now, however, I'm going to share with you a little project I did a few weeks ago. It's easy-peasy and I did it in around 20 mins but saved me hours of trawling around town for exactly what I wanted. Yeh that's right, its a peg bag! *cue cheers from the crowds*

Ok, so not the most exciting of projects but genuinely useful, which is what homemade crafting is all about at the end of the day.

So to start with I dug a child's coat hanger out of the wardrobe (why we had one I do not know) and then trimmed off the corners so it was about the same width as a piece of A4. Then I cut out some fabric slightly wider than the trimmed-down coat hanger (to allow for a seam) and roughly double the length that I wanted it to be when complete. It's all very ad hoc, hence the lack of measurements!

First I hemmed the short edges of the fabric as these will be exposed.

Next I created the 'shoulders' of the bag. To do this fold the fabric twice so that it creates an envelope, with the bottom flap overlapping the top by around an inch (making sure the hem is on the outside). Along the top fold, cut a small slit and insert the hook of the coat hanger. Now simply sew along the top of the arms of the coat hanger. 

Remove the coat hanger and now sew the edges up so that you create a fully sealed bag. Turn it inside out (or right-side out) and you're nearly finished. All you need to do now is re-insert the coat hanger, and stitch neatly  in a line following the underside of it. This will keep it in place.

Fill with pegs and wait for a sunny day! (Warning: this could be several months).

Enjoy! Until next time, happy stitching!



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