Saturday 21 July 2012

Mini-skirt to makeup bag

I'm something of a hoarder when it comes to unusual items of clothing.

Whether it looks like the best fancy dress costume I've ever seen or simply some amazing fabric, I can't resist.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a free clothes drive where I came across a bag full of oddities, including a traditional Jamaican woman's outfit, complete with head scarf and matching orange and black jacket! Among my 'finds' was a green silk mini skirt circa 1968, and while its size and shape meant it was unlikely to be a fashion hit, the silky, ruffled fabric had definite upcycling potential!

I've just finished making it into a handy makeup bag, using the textured green material on the outside and a blue and white polka dot cotton fabric as the lining.

The clashing fabrics go surprisingly well together, and paired with a matching blue zip I think it makes quite a pretty bag for holding makeup or hair accessories in. Leaving the blue peeking out next to the zip makes the bag a little more unusual, and is quite a nice homemade touch even if I do say so myself!

I've got plenty of scraps left over so I might make a couple of matching purses.But it just shows that you might have all the ingredients to make a quick homemade bag or other items from your wardrobe. Anyone guilty of harbouring silk mini-skirts needn't make a dash to the charity shop just yet!


x x x

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